Monday, April 27, 2009

First of who knows how many blogs

4/17/09 11:30 am

Good morning.

I'm starting this blog as a fun way to give some personal analysis of what's going on with the Yankees. I've recently been hooked into Twitter, but its mostly short line updates that you really can't extend your thoughts too much on. I spend a good amount of time on the computer reading other blogs, twitters, keeping track of sport news, listening to sports radio, so I figure, why not formulate some of my own rants and raves.

My writing background is not profuse by any means. Honors English classes through Junior and High School, as well as a couple of media classes mixed in. A whole year (yes year) of college RLC class, with one semester of basic journalism / media analysis. I'm sure I'll have some mistakes mixed in here and there, but I should be able to get points across with no problem.

So here's to a new blog, the first I've attempted in over 6 years. Maybe I'll write and write and write for months and have two followers, or become the next internet star. Probably the first of those two, but it's all in fun.


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