Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The game last night (Yankees 2 Tigers 4)

Last night, the Yanks dropped their 4th straight en route to becoming a sub-.500 team.

There was a very simple explanation of why the Yankees could not beat the Tigers last night.

Was it because they drew NO walks over the course of the game? no.

Was it due to waiting until the 9th to score any runs? no.

Was it the 19 left on base for the Yankees? no.

Was it because they only have 1 +.300 hitter at this point? no.

Was it Posada's pinch hit double play in the 9th that killed the rally? no.

So what the hell made the Yankees lose last night?

Michael Kay wasn't in the booth.. duh!

Clearly the Yankees did not have any motivation in winning a game without Kay being around last night. Who knows where he was last night, maybe he was out fighting crime, or breaking the next steroid scandal. Or, perhaps similar to me, seasonal allergies caught up to him when it got to be 90 degrees out of nowhere, and his throat is too sore to speak, let alone announce. Either way, Mr. Kay if you're reading this, PLEASE come back tonight. Phil Hughes certainly cannot pitch his first game this season without seeing you in the booth, and the Yankees cannot afford to drop a 5th straight game.

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