Friday, May 8, 2009

Got to the new Stadium

Last night I got the chance to get out to the new Yankee Stadium. Now that I've gone there, I can call it Yankee Stadium, removing the new out of most references. For all of the hate I hear and read about, the place is beautiful. Of course there are some draw backs, it can't be perfect, but overall I can't wait to go back.

Now the game on the other hand, was pretty disappointing. Watching Tex hit is unbearable at this point, and when he's up with 2 outs it's a good indication to start heading towards the bathroom if need be, or to the concession stand. He needs to have a very productive week on the road if he wants everyone to stop booing him hardcore after every at bat. He's now back on the Interstate at .198, maybe it's time to fetch Tino out of retirement.

Cano is swinging at every first pitch again. He needs to accept the fact that he's not a .380 hitter, and stop pressing as a result of chasing that. Cano has been playing solid second base this season, and is still at .319, but since May 2nd he's 1 for 21, and in his last 15 games, he's walked once. Once. That is horrible.

Pena came out to a Beyonce song and I was like "wtf". Pena was much better than Ransom though, but thank god A-Rod is coming back tonight. Manny put up a nice smoke screen for the return of Rodriguez since he was caught taking on a banned substance and recieving a nice 50 game suspension. Bill Simmons wrote an EXCELLENT piece after Manny's test went down, which you can read here "" . It's about the Red Sox 04 championship, and how it appears so many players on the team were on something.

But back to the game, Pettite gave up more HR's then ever before in his career. Rivera gave up back to back HR's for the 2nd time this season. It's a sad thing when Mo can't finish the 9th inningI'm starting to buy into the wind pattern stuff at Yankee Stadium. There were 7 in last nights game. 7. And yet Swisher, hasn't had a single shot at the Stadium, which is incredibly odd. Even his AVG has dropped to a season low .267, and he hasn't had a hit since April.

43,769 people were definitly not in attendance last night. The Mets became a joke last year with announcing attendances that were clearly wrong, and the Yankees are quickly following suit.

Last but not least, Johnny Damon is the man.


  1. awww where has your twitter gone? will miss your tweets and you were a cutie! hope you are doing great! DanielJUK

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